



A while back God came up with a plan.




N ow He needed to find a very special man.




D esiring one who would be faithful and true,




Y earning to follow God in all that he would do.








D own on earth He found one to carry out this special






O ne who would do all that God asked,


Z ealously seeking God’s will each day,




I ntent on hearing only what God has to say,




E ver seeking to serve God as he serves his fellow man,




R everently obeying the Word, as for Jesus Christ he


takes a stand.


James Wesley




James Wesley was born one hot August day.


I have watched him grow and walk and play.


With hair of blonde and eyes of blue,


I am so in love with him I don’t know what to do.


I love to hold him tightly in my arms.


I love to tell him I will always protect him from harm.


TV is a favorite pastime for this three-year-old and me.


Blue’s Clues is something that we love to see.


We dance and sing about knowing what to do.


Someday soon Wesley will learn to tie his shoe.


He sits in my lap and watches the Chipmunks rock and roll.


When Alvin smiles at Wesley, he is as good as gold.


There is one cartoon that is really his special show,


Wesley loves to watch and shout Go Diego Go!


Now I know days pass by quickly in this life we live.


Sometimes a little time is the most important gift we can give.


Today as I think of this special little gift that God gave to me,


I promise on this day that he turns three,


To give to him time that goes by so fast,


To always appreciate each day before it becomes the past.


Wesley, know Nana loves you with a love straight from her heart


I pray God allows me of your life to always be a part.




Happy Birthday August 11, 2008








Devon Paul


There is a small babe growing stronger as time goes by.


He lays in his crib coos, giggles and smiles.


The day he was born I looked down into his little blue eyes.


I held him tightly and wondered about whens, wheres, and whys.


When will he hit his first home run with a baseball bat?


Where will I be when he chases his first cat?


Why is it things in this life aren’t just like we want them to be?


I pray for him peace and joy, and for his heart always to be free.


Yes, I know Devon is growing day by day.


I know he will grow strong and run and play.


He will grow up and start to school.


He will grow up and have little girls think he is so cool.


Right now God’s plan is for him to live in another place.


But someday we will be together by God’s loving grace.


Until then I pray I find strength to know he is in God’s loving care.


I pray one day all my love with Devon Paul I will be able to share.




With all my love,



